New research demonstrates that acupuncture is an effective treatment for hot flashes in breast cancer survivors. The research demonstrates that acupuncture reduces both the frequency and intensity of hot flashes while at the same time improving the overall quality of sleep. The researchers examined feedback and found that the acupuncture treatments were described as relaxing by most participants. The researchers also noted that the results show that acupuncture is cost effective, safe and does not exhibit the adverse affects caused by medications
Data from the research discovered that acupuncture improved the overall quality of life score over venlafaxine. Acupuncture improved symptoms but did not induce unwanted side effects. The medication venlafaxine, however, caused a 72% incidence of adverse affects. The researchers noted that in one study venlafaxine side effects caused 21% of study participants to withdraw due to the severity of the adverse effects. Acupuncture, by…
Source: HealthCMI