Good health requires a combination of many factors including: emotional, environmental, dietary and physical factors. During periods of disease or injury, medical interventions are often necessary. I use the system of Asian/Oriental Energy Medicine including acupuncture and non-needle therapies, electroacupuncture, qigong, and herbs, but recognize that other therapies may be more appropriate for certain conditions. Below are some of what I consider to be main factors in health.
A PubMed/MEDLINE Search On Acupuncture
The body of scientific research on the use of acupuncture continues to grow. Thousands of published papers examine the efficacy of acupuncture and Asian medicines. The following is a 10 article sample out of 38,939 search results using the term “acupuncture” from the National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) at the U.S. National Library of Medicine …