Good health requires a combination of many factors including: emotional, environmental, dietary and physical factors. During periods of disease or injury, medical interventions are often necessary. I use the system of Asian/Oriental Energy Medicine including acupuncture and non-needle therapies, electroacupuncture, qigong, and herbs, but recognize that other therapies may be more appropriate for certain conditions. Below are some of what I consider to be main factors in health.
- Appropriate expression of emotions
- Deliberate relaxation with: meditation, relaxation tapes, or prayer
- Stress reduction
- Playtime
- Clean, fresh air
- Adequate sunshine
- Plants and animals
- Dress appropriate to season
- Appreciate nature
- Eat a whole foods, plant based diet
- Minimize refined foods, added salt, added fat
- Appropriate quantities of food
- Adequate, clean drinking water
Recommended reading: The China Study by T. Colin Campbell
- Stretching, Tai Chi, Qigong, yoga, deep breathing
- Aerobic exercise including: walking, running, gardening, etc at an appropriate level
- Strength training
- Adequate sleep, rest and relaxation
Recommended reading: The Healer Within by Roger Jahnke